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Showing posts with the label How-to

How to change gmail password in mobile, iPhone and PC.

In this tutorial, we are going to show you how you can change your Gmail password on android mobile, iPhone and PC. 1. First go on browser like Safari, Google Chrome, opera mini etc. 2. Search " my google account"  in the search engine and open the first link 3. Click on personal info. After click on sign in (ignore if you already sign in) button. 4. Scroll Down and click on the password. 5. In this tap enter your current password ( because google verifies that you) and click on next button. 6. Finally, you will see two fields where you will have to enter " New password" and " Confirm New password". 7. The last step, click on the change password button. These things you should know while creating a new password. your password must contain at least 8 characters In your password, you can add numbers, special symbols. Create a strong password. Following these step, you can change your Gmail password in mobile, iPhone a...

Top computer shortcuts keys everyone should know.

Using Keyboard shortcut keys  could save a lot of time. In this blog list of Microsoft Excel, Microsoft word , Window and Google Chrome browser shortcut keys. Using Shortcut key you can work easy. Window Shortcut keys- 1. Window key  + R :- Open for the Run menu. 2. Window key + M :- Used for Minimize all Window. 3. Ctrl + Esc :- For open Start Menu. 4. Alt + F4 :- Use for Shut-Down Window. 5.Press Shift five time :- Switch Sticky key On and Off. Microsoft Excel Shortcut keys- 1. Ctrl+A :- Select all content in worksheet. 2. Ctrl+B :- For Bold highlighted. 3. Ctrl+I :- Italicize highlighted selection. 4. Ctrl+U :-  For Underline highlighted section. 5. Ctrl+Z :- For Undo. Shortcut Keys in Microsoft Word- 1. F1 Key:- Get help on a selected command. 2. F2 Key :- In Microsoft Word F2 key use for Move text or Image. 3. F3 Key :- Insert an auto-text entry. 4. F4 Key :- Perform last action again. 5. F5 Key :- Displays the...